Jenn Harris reviews the newly reopened Panda Inn restaurant in Pasadena, where you’ll find sushi, Yangzhou specialties and the classic orange chicken.
Jenn Harris reviews the newly reopened Panda Inn restaurant in Pasadena, where you’ll find sushi, Yangzhou specialties and the classic orange chicken.
There was immediate civic buy-in when Mercado González opened in November. Half a year in, how do the stalls stack up? Is fine-dining Maizano its own magnet?
Dominican pop-ups and a food truck represent the cuisine, but when members of a family immigrated to North Hollywood (by way of Alaska), they envisioned a bricks-and-mortar that honors their country’s cooking.
Southern chef Sammy Monsour returns to downtown at Joyce, where he channels his imagination toward seafood and other coastal-inspired dishes.
A chef pours a Beijing-style spirit over the roast duck, then aims a butane torch gun … and whoosh. You’re here for the flaming duck at Array 36 in Temple City.
In West Hollywood, a welcome surprise: L.A.’s most compelling Lebanese restaurant, Ladyhawk, from a ‘Top Chef’