
Letters: Rizzo’s excuse

Re “Scandal’s spotlight shifts,” Oct. 5

The circus is coming to town. Robert Rizzo, the former Bell city administrator, is bringing his own special kind of entertainment to L.A. courts.

The onetime ringleader of the Bell 8 — those former city officials indicted for corruption — has admitted his guilt but with an explanation: It was actually his assistant, Angela Spaccia, who orchestrated all the corruption and greed and put Bell about $100 million in debt. Spaccia, who earned a fraction of Rizzo’s salary, made him do it?

Rizzo now wants us to believe he is going to start telling the truth after deceiving the people that paid his salary for 17 years. Really? I don’t think so.


Rizzo is taking his circus to court, where the real spectacle starts right after the ringleader says, “I solemnly swear.”

Ron Diton



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