
Letters: Looking back at the 2003 recall

Re “The recall, 10 years later,” Editorial, Oct. 6

Contrary to your editorial, Arnold Schwarzenegger engaged in the worst kind of demagoguery after his election as governor in California’s 2003 recall. Not only did he put on a dog-and-pony show around the state, smashing cars, but his reduction of the vehicle license fee cost California billions.

In spite of his pledge to “cut up the credit cards,” his mismanagement of the state led to massive borrowing. And, fortunately for us, his plan to “blow up the boxes” of state government by eliminating valuable consumer agencies came to naught.

It will be up to history to decide if the “good deeds” you cite make up for the many missteps of Schwarzenegger’s administration.


Sandra Wolber

Granada Hills

In addition to the thoughtful reasons cited in your editorial, one major contributor to Gray Davis’ downfall was the way he handled the state’s “energy crisis” manufactured by Enron and others.

While Davis may have worked diligently behind the scenes, he failed in communicating why dramatic rate increases occurred with no warning and no apparent reason.

Davis forgot that a primary function of a chief executive is to be the “educator in chief.”


Bob Shapiro

Goleta, Calif.


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