
Now this is coverage: Cellphone stops bullet for Florida cashier

Talk about coverage! A Florida gas station clerk’s cellphone stopped a bullet fired by a robber early Monday and saved the clerk from serious injury, police said.

Police from the Orlando suburb of Winter Garden told the Orlando Sentinel that the stickup began about 4:45 a.m. when the gunman asked for help looking for a drink before pulling a revolver.

The gunman wanted the two clerks to get into the safe at the Hess station, but they weren’t able to open it.


That’s when the gunman ran away -- but not before firing a single bullet that struck one of the clerks in the abdomen, police told the Sentinel.

But like a badge or a book hidden in the pocket of a buddy-cop movie hero, the HTC-brand phone stopped the bullet and saved the clerk from serious injury. The clerk, whose name has not been released, reportedly didn’t know he’d been shot until after he pulled the phone from his pocket.

Photos of the phone show that the bullet hit near the edge of the screen, causing cracks to spiderweb over the rest of the glass.


The bullet didn’t quite make it through the back of the phone, where the plastic bulged from the force.

The shooter ran off and has not been caught.


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