
Two Guys Lose Weight: Tony will turn into Elvis Presley

Los Angeles Times

The following is a blog documenting two Los Angeles Times editors’ attempts to lose weight. It all began on Jan. 10.

My weight-loss partner, Tony, is turning into Elvis Presley.

Well, he’s going to Vegas. And he’ll probably have a few dozen grilled peanut butter and banana sandwiches.

You can see it a mile away. He just quit something called the Cookie Diet (after being on it for about 10 days), ate an entire box of chocolates yesterday and is now heading to Las Vegas for a long weekend.


Look up the word “binge.” Tony Pierce is the new definition. You’re on a diet and you go to Vegas? After being on something called the Cookie Diet? Awesome.

No way he can withstand the all-you-can-eat buffets. He’s already worried about the free drinks at the gambling tables.

I’ll be able to watch his inevitable downfall as he’ll be updating his Facebook page via FourSquare. He’s going to be the Mayor of Everything Fat.


Meanwhile, I’ll just continue to do Nutrisystem and workout with my trainer. We’re coming up at the end of five weeks. I slipped a peek at the scale this morning and saw 186.5. That’s 18.5 pounds gone since Jan. 8. I want to drop 13.5 more.

Tony’s lost some weight too on his “I avoid consistency at all costs” diet, but I have a feeling he’s going to stall, see an increase and probably wake up in a jail cell after attempting to steal Mike Tyson’s tiger.

My breakfast this morning: a chocolate chip scone and coffee. Can’t have any yogurt, fruit or toast (as I usually do) as the cafeteria kitchen is closed for the day.


Have a good weekend.

Jimmy talks to Dan Marino
The joys of the Tapeworm Diet
Don’t cut off your limbs to lose weight
