
Two Guys Lose Weight: Don’t cut off your limbs to lose weight

Los Angeles Times

The following is a blog documenting two Los Angeles Times editors’ attempts to lose weight. It all began on Jan. 10.

I don’t need to be a trailblazer. If someone else has figured it out, that’s fine with me. Just give me the directions. I’ll follow ‘em. That’s the primary reason I went with Nutrisystem. They provide the food. I eat the food. Little room for human error -- if you follow the directions.

For breakfast, they say: Eat one Nutrisystem breakfast entree, one dairy or protein serving, fruit, and a carbohydrate. I had the prepackaged banana nut muffin, an 8 oz container of 99% fat free yogurt, some cantaloupe, and a slice of toast.


That’s easy to follow and I don’t have to sever any limbs. You can’t say the same for this guy.

“How can I lose 50 pounds in two weeks?” the unknown writer posed on a health forum site.

Someone responded (probably not a nutritionist): “You’d have to cut off your arms and legs, and if that wasn’t enough -- maybe your head too.


I’m not going to knock the advice. I would bet it’s accurate. That guy in the movie Scarface probably saw some weight loss after his outing with a chainsaw. I’m just going to stick with Nutrisystem right now. Maybe down the road...

By the way, a cupcake mysteriously appeared on my desk two days ago. In the past I would have horked it down like David Hasselhoff on a hamburger (still one of the greatest videos of all time).

But this blog has kept me so honest that I didn’t even have to think about it. I pushed it to the edge of my desk. Take that Stuart Pfeifer! (he still writes a great Scam Watch column though).


One of the things I’ve quickly noticed is that I’m far from alone. Posting these updates on Facebook, friends have chimed in with what they’re doing. Old friend Mark Bernstein has lost 17 lbs. since Jan. 3. He’s doing his own thing and has called it the “Mark plan.”

John McJunkin, who hosts a radio show in Phoenix, is on a similar quest to lose weight. He’s dumped 24 lbs. so far this year. And he allows himself one “pig-out” feast per week. Awesome. That deserves a special investigation. And we will do that.

I cheated by the way and peeked at the scale this morning. Another pound gone. Fifteen pounds dumped since Jan. 8.


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