
Two Guys Lose Weight: Nice Italian can be bella

Los Angeles Times

NOTE: This is a blog about two guys attempting to lose weight over a six-week period. They kicked off their weight-loss “strategies” on Jan. 10.

Monday’s dinner went so well we decided on a two-fer-Tuesday.

The problem was the restaurant was a darkly lighted Italian place. The type of establishment that would give huge portions of pasta along with their heavily parmesan-ed sauce.

At the office I was advised to get a chicken breast or a piece of fish. and I was pleased to see there was a shrimp dish on the menu.


RELATED: Two guys lose weight: The journey

When it came out there were seven grilled shrimp in a row, 12 small clams in their shells in a row above the shrimp, and a swath of red sauce at the bottom of the square plate. framing the edges were a long piece of asparagus. Two broccoli topped the presentation.

Somehow I had lucked out and as long as I stayed away from the sauce I was probably OK. The bread was hard to resist, however.


Instead of shots of whiskey we had just one glass each of champagne. Mostly we drank water.

Although the food was totally delicious and the dessert menu looked promising, willpower was successful and we tapped out.

Later today I get weighed in at the cookie diet store for the last time, and I’m thrilled with the results, but now I’m ready to go on my own. Hoping to weigh in at under 160.


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