
Sons Wounded to Disarm Them

United Press International

A father shot his two sons in the legs to prevent them from fighting each other in the 12-day-old clashes between rival Shia Muslim militias in Beirut’s southern suburbs, a Lebanese magazine said Tuesday.

“The father thought that wounding them was better than (that) they kill each other in the fighting,” said the weekly magazine Ash Shiraa.

The magazine said one of the brothers involved in the incident in the suburban area of Borj el Brajne is a member of the pro-Iranian Hezbollah group and the other belongs to the Syrian-backed Amal militia.


At least 200 people have died in the heavy fighting that erupted on May 6 between the rival militias in the southern slums of Beirut.

“The father was confused when he realized that his sons wanted to go to the streets and fight each other. He found no way to stop them except shooting them in their legs,” the magazine said.

It said the father “ordered that they (the two wounded youths) be taken to a hospital and be kept there” until the fighting ends.
