
New ownership

C’MON, Tim Rutten. Whining aside, your description of the Chandlers as wolves is ludicrous [“Is the Zell Plan a Real Deal for Times Readers?” April 3]. Wolves are intelligent, social animals that attack their food source to survive and to feed their young, not to get their “game on.” Additionally, they are just shy of achieving the ultimate hunters’ award: an endangered-animal ranking.

If only the same could be said of the Chandlers.


Woodland Hills


TO Sam Zell: Please sell The Times to local owners who have the interest and the bucks to return this rapidly disintegrating publication to greatness. You will have enough to do managing the Tribune Co.

To Tribune Co. executives: Please take your huge windfall bonuses and leave the newspaper industry. Any outfit whose financial guru believes that the only thing Times readers want is local and entertainment news ought not to be in business.


To Eli Broad and David Geffen: Thanks for trying. Please keep it up.

To Tim Rutten: Thanks for such an accurate depiction of the greedy and useless extended Chandler family. They are Exhibit A of the rot inherent in dynastic wealth, where no one in several generations has ever had to earn a living and where there is loyalty to nothing but themselves.


Pine Mountain


THE next-to-last paragraph of Rutten’s column is hilarious. He writes, “If these people thought there was another nickel to be made off the Los Angeles Times by selling it to the North Koreans, Kim Jong Il would be running this newspaper’s editorial policy the next day.”

Why would that be any different from the far-left editors who control it now? Every editorial decision The Times makes, from not publishing stories that portray “minorities” in negative light, to the support of every effort of the ACLU and the Democrats to hobble our ability to combat Muslim fundamentalist violence, the goal is the same: to destroy the nation as it has existed since its founding, and transform it into a nonwhite, socialist nation.


Personally, I doubt that Kim Jong Il could do any worse.


