
Ramsey Clark’s Offer to Defend Hussein

Re “Why I’m Willing to Defend Hussein,” Commentary, Jan. 24: Ramsey Clark has injected himself into the defense of Saddam Hussein. I wonder if Hussein has been nuts enough to accept this offer of assistance. Clark’s article reveals the same tired and virulent anti-Americanism he has harbored for decades. He is the Ezra Pound of the left.

William Davis

Yorba Linda


In explaining his reasons for wanting to defend Hussein, Clark states, “That Hussein and other former Iraqi officials must have lawyers of their choice to assist them in defending against the criminal charges brought against them ought to be self-evident among a people committed to truth, justice and the rule of law,” and that “No power, or person, can be above the law.” His idealism is admirable and I wish him the best, but it should be “self-evident” by the lack of outrage displayed at the existence of Camp Delta in Guantanamo Bay, created at the direction of President Bush, that Americans are no longer committed to truth, justice and the rule of law, and that apparently in his supporters’ eyes, Bush is above the law.

Ben Lamborn

Levant, Maine


Before the angry anti-Clark letters start rolling in, calling the former attorney general a left-wing hack and dictator-sympathizer, let’s remember the very system of justice he is defending through his intent and actions is the same one the Bush administration supposedly sent our troops into harm’s way to protect -- American democracy and the rule of law.


David Goldenberg

Laguna Niguel
