
Bush Policy Mistakes Yield a Second Term

Re “Support for War in Iraq Hits New Low,” The Times Poll, Jan. 19: How is it that just two months after the election, well over half of the electorate disagrees with the president’s policies? Here we have a man who cannot admit to error and never flip-flops but whose policies fade from one into another as reality intrudes, leaving behind just that cheeky smirk.

W.L. Sibley



What a pitiful democracy. On his second inauguration, Bush has the lowest approval rating since Richard Nixon, who was on the verge of resigning in disgrace over his horrendous errors in judgment. This president sent nearly 1,400 Americans to their deaths, killed thousands of Iraqis and continues to waste $1 billion a week on a war that was ill conceived, deceptively sold and incompetently planned. Bush’s arrogance has alienated our allies, increased hatred of America and made us more vulnerable to terrorism, while enriching his friends at Halliburton, et al. Now only 39% of Americans think the war was worth fighting. It will take decades to recover from the damage this president has done to our country and our children’s future.

So how do we punish this horribly inept performance? We rehire him to serve four more years.


Jamie Immel

Santa Monica


Political scientist John Mueller is not the only one surprised that support for the Iraq invasion (39%) is not lower yet. Given the utter failure of the weapons-of-mass-destruction search. Given the lack of a link between Iraq and 9/11. Given the fact Iraq did not attack us. A reasonable observer would expect public support for the war to be more like zero, zilch, nothing.

This is a dangerous moment in the troubled life of liberty, and we are sleeping through it.

And Secretary of State nominee Condoleezza Rice has the nerve to object to Sen. Barbara Boxer questioning her integrity!


Ron Leighton



Re “Despite the Skeptics, Greatness Is on Bush’s 2nd-Term Checklist,” Jan. 18: President Bush is quoted: “I hope that 50 years from now people will look back and say, ‘Thank goodness old George W. stuck to his beliefs that freedom is an agent for change, to make the world more peaceful.’ ”

At last the troops and the Pentagon have a number to work with in their planning and expectations.

Macy Baum

Los Angeles


Interesting that President Bush wishes to be regarded among the “great presidents” of our country. Does he not make the distinction between famous and infamous?


Mae Nikaido

Laguna Beach


Re “True Confessions: A Democrat Likes George,” Commentary, Jan. 20: Lanny J. Davis’ attempt to praise George Bush failed dramatically. How frightening to know that our president is a man who is satisfied to just “get by” or one who would allow politics to reverse his compassion, which is Davis’ explanation for Bush’s exploitation of the gay marriage issue, in order to win reelection. My perception of this dreadful president remains steadfast.

Elizabeth Thompson

