
Executions: Legal but Morally Wrong

Re “California Executes Confessed Murderer,” Jan. 19: Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s refusal to grant clemency to Donald Beardslee killed a human being. Unlike the cop-killing robot in the first “Terminator” movie, the terminators Schwarzenegger played in sequels avoided killing humans. It is morally wrong to kill a human being who is not threatening you.

Schwarzenegger missed a golden opportunity to limit his killing to the movies, and to remind people that killings depicted in movies do not justify and should not incite killing in real life. A real-life action hero would have exerted moral leadership and calmed the bloodthirsty mob. Now’s he another pandering politician.

David A. Holtzman

West Los Angeles


Teresa is a remarkable woman whose only son was killed at 18 years old. The prosecutor in the case asked if she would help him get the death penalty for her son’s killer. Without a moment’s hesitation, she said, “And break another mother’s heart. There is no way I will help you do that.” Anytime “justice” includes killing someone, we will just continue creating more victims while giving lip service to our concern for victims.


Father George Horan


Office of Restorative Justice

Catholic Archdiocese of L.A.
