
Better Uses for Inaugural Expenses

How is it that $41 million is being spent on inaugural fetes (Jan. 15) for a second term, no less? This is more than the $37.5 million proposed for additional tsunami buoys (Jan. 15).

What a wonderful world it would be if we expanded our warning system to cover the Pacific and Atlantic and the donations for the inauguration were spent on buoys for the Indian Ocean. Then we would truly be leaders of the free world.

Annette Mercer

Los Angeles


The inaugural event theme of “Celebrating Freedom, Honoring Service” is just another red herring used by the Bush administration to justify spending millions of dollars on dancing parties.


It would be more appropriate at this time to designate the money for the rehabilitation of thousands of injured military men and women who will never be able to dance again.

Phyllis Landis

Los Angeles
