
How’s This for a Hollywood Ending to Disney Hall Woes?

Here’s an idea! As reported in “Disney Hall Seeks Funds as Deadlines Draw Closer” (Calendar, Dec. 26), fund-raisers desperately need $50 million by July 1 for the proposed Walt Disney Concert Hall.

No problem. Departing Disney President Mike Ovitz is getting $90 million for 14 months at the company. So, why doesn’t Ovitz put $50 million of his $90 million into the company’s concert hall?

It’s so simple! And it could be a win-win for everybody:

1. The stalled hall could get the financial impetus it needs;

2. Ovitz could gain immortality by having his name on a monument--”Walt Disney Mike Ovitz Concert Hall,” and;


3. Stunned Disney stockholders could get a little satisfaction from knowing that a portion of the obscene amount of money paid to “Hollywood’s most powerful man” found its way back into a company project.

Oh, and there are a few other bennies, let’s not forget: Ovitz would surely get a $50-million tax deduction for his gift; he wouldn’t be settling for just another “wing” at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center--he’d have his name on a true public edifice; and he’d still have $40 million left over!

A guy’s gotta live.


Los Angeles
