
All Addiction Comes Without Warning

Re “No Money Down” (Aug. 11): Getting into business with the ubiquitous credit card debt pushers can be as dangerous as being involved with drug sellers.

One-third of users fancy themselves to be powerful “credit card sharks”--smart enough to outwit the professional debt addicters--accepting the “gifts” offered (free airplane trips, free monthly credit “float,” easy accounting, quick transactions at the checkout line, etc.) while avoiding payback (interest) by paying off their bills in full each month. They may be deluding themselves as much as gamblers who take free trips to Las Vegas thinking they are putting one over on the casino operators.

Pushers are patient. Sooner or later, during times of stress, it is all too easy to slip into the ranks of the two-thirds of credit users who must pay the devil his high-interest due.



Beverly Hills
