
BASEBALL / STRIKE REPORT : Maybe Players Can Use This Pig Skin Since They Won’t Touch the Horsehide

Associated Press

A crippled hog and 20 cents were the only offerings a radio talk show in Mexico, Mo., received when it solicited donations for striking ballplayers.

“It was almost like a normal telethon,” co-host Gary Fox said of the fund drive, held during KXEO-AM’s weekly program, Sportstalk Saturday. “We promoted it all week as a pledge drive for the major league baseball players because we know how they’re suffering right now.”

An anonymous male caller offered the hog, suitable for a barbecue.

“He called out of nowhere,” Fox said. “He felt sorry for us because we were dying. We weren’t getting any phone calls.”


Fox chipped in half of the 20-cent contribution because he felt sorry for catcher Erik Pappas, who was recalled from the minors by the St. Louis Cardinals before the strike.

The other dime came from Melissa Smith, who said she wanted to keep Kansas City Royal pitcher Hipolito Pichardo from going broke.

Smith will receive a Pichardo baseball card for her donation.


Kids looking forward to a baseball clinic this weekend in Alexandria, Va., featuring Baltimore Oriole players and coaches had to settle for coaches only.


None of the players showed up for the final Oriole baseball clinic of the season Saturday at Edison High in Alexandria. About 300 kids learned about baserunning from Davey Lopes, fielding from Don Buford and catching from Elrod Hendricks, but they learned nothing about the end of the strike.

“We’ve still got a few out here who want to play,” said pitching coach Dick Bosman, watching a group of youngsters learning to throw.

Parents at the clinic were not sympathetic to the no-show striking ballplayers.

“I was hoping there would be more players, what with the strike, I figured they would want to keep up community relations,” said Jan Epstein of Alexandria.
