
McDonald Hasn’t Endorsed Challengers

This letter is written as a disclaimer to the recent article (Times, March 20) entitled “Challengers Hope to Have Field Day Against Sidetracked Incumbents.”

Pete Fajardo, a candidate for the city of Carson election on April 14, has inferred that I am one of several government officials who have endorsed his candidacy for City Council.

At this time, I’d like to make it perfectly clear that I have not officially endorsed Mr. Fajardo or any of the challengers to the three City Council seats slated for election.


Mr. Fajardo must have misunderstood my intentions when I attended several candidate forums to applaud the efforts of those candidates seeking office, to let them know that I am delighted with the large cadre of eligible candidates and to thank them for using the democratic process in the city of Carson. Also, at these forums, I do take the opportunity to encourage those in attendance to exercise their voting privilege.

I have in no way offered my endorsement to any challenger for a City Council seat, but instead have offered my help to galvanize the community to take part in the democratic process.

Furthermore, for the record, I was asked to officially endorse the candidacy of Councilwoman Kay Calas and have done so.


Moreover, I am very proud to see Mr. Fajardo and the other candidates participating in the democratic process that governs our nation. I feel confident I will be able to work with whoever is elected by the citizens of Carson, in paving a positive direction for the city and the citizens we serve.


Carson mayor pro tem
