
French intelligence cites ‘massive use’ of chemical weapons in Syria

French Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian arrives for a meeting Monday in Paris about possible military action by the French government against the Syrian regime.
(Jacques Demarthon / AFP/Getty Images)

PARIS — A French intelligence assessment alleges that the Syrian regime launched an attack Aug. 21 involving “massive use of chemical agents” and could carry out other strikes of a similar nature in the future.

The government published a nine-page synopsis Monday that says at least 281 deaths can be attributed to the attack in areas outside Damascus. The analysis based that count in part from dozens of videos culled by French intelligence services.

The United States has said the chemical attack killed more than 1,400 people, including at least 426 children. Secretary of State John Kerry has said sarin, a deadly nerve agent, was used in the attack.


French President Francois Hollande has backed a call by President Obama for a military strike against Syrian President Bashar Assad’s government in retaliation for the attack.

Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault hosted lawmakers, his defense and foreign ministers, and intelligence and security officials Monday to discuss Syria.

France’s parliament is to debate Syria on Wednesday, but no vote is scheduled. The French constitution doesn’t require such a vote for Hollande to be able to authorize military action.



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