
From the Archives: Streetcars running after strike ends

July 25, 1955: Eastbound streetcar on 7th St. stops at Broadway to take on and discharge passengers as the city's lines return to normal service following end of strike.
(R. L. Oliver / Los Angeles Times)

Then end of a 35-day strike meant Los Angeles Traffic could return to normal. An article in the July 26, 1955, Los Angeles Times reported that, ‘Los Angeles Transit Lines provided normal service on its 430-mile network of 38 coach and six streetcar lines yesterday after the end of the 35-day strike of Transportation Union, Division 1277, for wage increases and contract improvements.”

But the settlement also meant a possible fare increase. The Times story reported that Los Angeles Transit Lines put in for “an application for a fare increase, with the increased wage scale looming up as the chief reason.”

According to a story in the Sep. 1, 1955, Los Angeles Times, the State Public Utilities Commission denied the fare increase.
