
From the Archives: Newly elected Governor Brown meets the press - 1974 and 2014

Nov. 6, 1974: Gov.-elect Jerry Brown talks with reporters at his campaign headquarters in Los Angeles shortly before giving his victory speech.
(Rick Meyer / Los Angeles Times)

In a close election, Brown defeated Republican Houston Flournoy by about 175,000 votes out of 6 million cast. In the Nov. 6, 1974, Los Angeles Times, political writer Richard Bergholz reported:

California’s governor-elect, 36-year-old Edmund G. Brown Jr., plunged into the business of governing today only hours after he won a squeaky-close victory over Republican Houston I. Flournoy.…

Brown served notice he would take a hard line on spending proposals. “People want a new spirit,’” he told newsmen,“but they don’t want to pay more taxes to achieve it.”


And he cited the defeat of Proposition A locally, the proposal to raise the sales tax 1 cent to pay for rapid transit, as an indication that “people are not in the mood for big spending programs.”...

This image above by staff photographer Rick Meyer, ran on Page 1 but was cropped into a two-column vertical.

On Nov. 4, 2014, Brown was reelected to a fourth term as governor. On Nov. 5, he met with the news media, below.

Nov. 5, 2014: California Gov. Jerry Brown conducts a news conference at the Capitol in Sacramento a day after he was reelected to his fourth term.
(Robert Gauthier / Los Angeles Times)

The post was originally published on Nov. 3, 2010. It was updated on Nov. 5, 2014, with an additional photo after Gov. Jerry Brown was reelected.

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