
From the Archives: Girls’ Dare Club

This photo was published as stand-alone warm weather art in the March 19, 1934, Los Angeles Times. Under the headline “If This is Spring, Come on Summer,” the original caption reported:

Harbingers of spring, now just two days away, swarmed over the Southland beaches yesterday in the form of adorning bathing beauties. Here is a group of them from the Girls’ Dare Club on the strand at Venice. When they bowl they simply knock ‘em over and when they swim the waves grow even wilder.

The same Times edition reported the high temperature for March 18, 1934, was 73 degrees.

An earlier Oct. 15, 1931, Times article reported that Venice Girls’ Dare Club was newly organized and “made up mostly of aquatic stars from the Venice High School.”


This photo was used in the 1998 Times postcard book “Times Gone By.”

This post was originally published on July 24, 2012.

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