
From the Archives: Blessing of the Animals

April 18, 1987: Father Luis Olivares blesses a cow during the Blessing of the Animals on Olvera Street.
(Ken Lubas / Los Angeles Times)

This is a special “From the Archives” look at the annual blessing of the animals on Olvera Street. This annual Easter event dates from 1930.

This year’s blessing is Saturday beginning at 2 p.m. The line to receive a blessing begins at 1 p.m.

April 9, 1955: Animals, led by their owners, approach stage front with which Rev. Macrinus Nino, extreme right, blesses the animals in courtyard of the Old Plaza Chruch.
(Ray Graham / Los Angeles Times)
April 9, 1955: Virginia Peters, 9, kneels beside her pet lamb and dog in the courtyard of the Old Plaza Church where the pets receive an annual blessing.
(Ray Graham / Los Angeles Times)
April 20, 1957: The Rev. Raymond Reha blesses animals in the courtyard of the Old Plaza Church. First in line was Marta Robles on horse. Others await their turn.
(Art Rogers / Los Angeles Times)
April 13, 1968: Even a turtle in a fishbowl qualifies for a blessing by Father Macrinus Nino during the annual Olivera Street Blessing of the Animals which drew 5,000 persons to the Old Plaza.
(Joe Kennedy / Los Angeles Times)
April 18, 1981: Maria Ayalla and her dog are both wearing traditional Mexican attire to the Blessing of the Animals.
(Larry Armstrong / Los Angeles Times)
March 25, 1989: At Olvera Street, Bishop John Ward extends a blessing to Cookie, an English bulldog owned by Scott Lichtig.
(Steve Dykes / Los Angeles Times)
March 25, 1989: Girayr Zorthain waits patiently on his horse Lolita for the parade to start around the Olvera Street plaza for the Blessing of the Animals.
(Steve Dykes / Los Angeles Times)

See more from the Los Angeles Times archives here
