
Q&A;: Actress Kate Walsh talks travel

When actress Kate Walsh, star of ABC’s “Private Practice,” was not playing neonatal surgeon Dr. Addison Montgomery, she was quite the traveler. Now that the show has finished its sixth and final season, Walsh is taking some time to travel the world.

Walsh traveled a lot when she was younger with her brothers and sisters, camping and going up and down the coast of California or Mexico. She’s been on a helicopter ride in Belize and a belly-dancing African safari.

She chatted with us about her favorite destinations, where she’s off to next and her travel-friendly Boyfriend fragrance line.


How long have you been traveling? I love traveling. I think it’s kind of a close tie between work and travel and I feel really lucky that I get to do both things that I love. As kids we would travel even just camping and going up and down the coast of California or Mexico. The whole family has kind of had this wanderlust and all my brothers and sisters. For me it’s in my blood. I just kind of want to see everywhere I can in my lifetime.

Favorite places you’ve traveled to? I love Italy, the Caribbean, Anguilla and St. Barts. I also love the Mediterranean and Greece. There is a really special island called Patmos that I just love and a boutique hotel I stay at called the Petra. I love all beachy places.

Are you more of a five-star hotel girl or adventure traveler? I like more of a boutique hotel. There is nothing like family-run places. There is just a certain warmth and love for the service and the entire ambiance. You feel like you’re staying with people that love you, and that’s the best way to put it. Those are the places I’ll go back to.


What do you like to do most when you travel? I’m always a sucker for gift shops, and it’s some weird power gift shops have over me. Airport gift shops, hospitals, definitely a shopping bug and when you’re in a different country, for sure I always want to get something like a piece of clothing or jewelry, depending on the budget and the place I’m at. I’m less of a ‘Oh, let’s go to the big Rodeo Drive stores.’ I’m more into getting local stuff.

Essential things you need when traveling? Sunscreen is a must. I have Kate Somerville, her sunscreen -- the one in the white tube is one I really love. I have the Boyfriend and the Billionaire Boyfriend rollerball fragrances. It’s all about what you can pack and not give away at the airport. In my little bag and in my purse I have duplicates, hand sanitizer, hand cream and lip balm. I use Elizabeth Arden eight-hour cream for my lips. Depending on where I’m going or how dry it is, I’ll bring body oil and, of course, Havaianas flip-flops.

Do you prefer to travel alone or in groups? I’m either with my boyfriend or with friends. There is also something really amazing about traveling alone; it’s a great spiritual experience, especially on a train. But I also think that when I travel with people, you get to know yourself and who you decide to travel with affects the trip. I have certain trips for certain people.

Where to next? South America is a big one. I’ve been to Brazil. I was supposed to go to Machu Picchu, so dying to get back down there. I want to go to Argentina, Peru, back to Brazil. Also Phuket, Thailand. I want to get to Russia. I’m obsessed with going to Russia and also Alaska. I want to do an Alaskan cruise, and I want to go to one of the poles like Antarctica and do an expedition. I also want to go to the east coast of Italy to Giulia and drive down that coast; that’s where the locals go to vacation.


Walsh also said she’d like to go to space, eventually. “I want to go, but I can’t afford it,” she said with a laugh.

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