
Travel: World news

(Orestis Panagiotou / EPA)

1. Carnival building a $65-million cruise ship center on the Bay of Maimon, Dominican Republic, that’s expected to open in 2014.

2. Greece could be an even greater travel bargain if it adopts a new currency. Tour operators hope to renegotiate to the new, cheaper currency if Greece drops the euro.

3. The State Department this month issued new travel warnings for Saudi Arabia (“ongoing security threat due to the continued presence of terrorist groups”) and Lebanon (“safety and security concerns”).


4. Britain is being criticized for inviting the king of Bahrain to the queen’s party celebrating 60 years on the throne. The Gulf state has cracked down on political dissent.

5. Christian Filipino youths in metro Manila protested performances byLady Gaga, calling the song “Judas” blasphemous.

6. The Rio de Janeiro state government will apologize to Brazil’spresident for abuses she suffered during the country’s 1961-85 dictatorship. President Dilma Rousseff, who spent three years in prison and was tortured, is one of 120 who will receive the apology.


Source: Associated Press and the State Department
