
Gear: You’ll be ready in case of a nearly any emergency

For an emergency, Relief Pod International offers a kit that contains first-aid items and tools you’ll need.

The top-of-the-line Relief Pod Deluxe Emergency Kit contains 69 items, organized in clear pockets and color-coded categories -- red for first aid, yellow for tools, blue for food and water, and green for sanitary items and toiletries.

Each category has its own zippered compartment. The kit folds into a 15¼-by-8¼-by-5-inch-deep zippered bag with a carry handle and shoulder strap. You get all kinds of bandages, ointments and wipes as well as tweezers, multipurpose tools, a hand-crank flashlight/radio, whistles, latex-free gloves and masks, an emergency rain poncho and foil packets of water and energy bars. Smaller kits also are available.


Relief Pod Deluxe Emergency Kit in orange or black costs $179.95. Info: Relief Pod International.
