
Take a page from the Scanon ScanStik

Scanon’s ScanStik looks like a big long pen, but is actually a full-page scanner.

Though it’s loaded with useful features, it’s surprisingly user-friendly. Just press the “on” button and roll it down the page you want to scan (or multiple pages), then connect to a computer with the included USB cable, which also recharges the scanner’s battery. A directory will open. Click on file transfer or view the files with your default viewer, and you’ve got it.

The scanner’s LCD display shows battery level and free memory and lets you choose between 300 and 600 dpi resolution and jpegs in 24-bit color or black and white.


The ScanStik is 9 inches long (just right for standard paper widths) and about a half-inch in diameter. It has a built-in micro SD slot (but you must supply an SD card) and comes with an installation CD. You get free firmware upgrades, but, alas it only works with Windows platforms. Hopefully Mac access will follow.

Planon ScanStik is $159.99 at; (888) 507-3926.
