
Discount tickets, special Metrolink stops for L.A. County Fair

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

The L.A. County Fair in Pomona is back -- with deep-fried Oreos, maple-bacon doughnuts and “zucchini weenies” (odd looking, for sure). Of course, there also are pirates, sharks, pig races, rodeo shows and concerts at the annual event, which opened Saturday. Metrolink offers a discount on admission prices and a way to skip the driving too.

Fair tickets: You must register at Metrolink Rewards (it’s free) to buy weekend fair tickets for $10 for adults (usually $17) and $6 for children 6-12 (usually $12). The tickets are good Saturdays and Sundays only.

Metrolink Weekend Pass: Metrolink’s San Bernardino line will make special stops at the Fairplex platform between Pomona and Covina stations for fair-goers on Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 2. A free shuttle takes riders to the admission gates at the fair.


A weekend pass costs $10 a person and is good for unlimited travel from 7 p.m. Fridays until 11:59 p.m. Sundays. Up to three children (5 and younger) ride free with an adult pass. Passes are sold at any Metrolink station via vending machines. (Parking at the fair starts at $10.)

When: Discounted admission tickets and Metrolink Weekend Passes are good for Saturdays and Sundays through Oct. 2. The fair is open Wednesdays through Sundays (but openLabor Day) until Oct. 2.

Note: You don’t have to buy a Metrolink pass to receive the discount on admission tickets to the fair. Just register at the rewards site and purchase online.


Contact: Metrolink Rewards
