
Airline finds missing Jack the Cat at JFK Airport -- finally

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

American Airlines has found Jack the Cat, the pet that escaped its carrier at JFK Airport in August and became an overnight Facebook star, and reports that the pet is “healthy, safe and well.”

“Jack was found in the customs room and was immediately taken by AA team members to the airport vet service, VetPort, where a microchip scan confirmed that the cat is indeed Jack,” the airline announced Tuesday night on its Facebook page called AA’s Search for Jack the Cat.

The announcement was followed by this post on another Jack the Cat FB fan page with almost 16,000 followers:


“The vet reported to Karen that he is dehydrated and has lost a good amount of weight, though she said that all things considered, he wasn’t in bad shape.”

Owner Karen Pascoe checked in the 18-pound cat for a flight from New York to California on Aug. 25. An American supervisor later told Pascoe that Jack’s crate had turned up empty -- kicking off a search by the airline and an intense online campaign to find the missing cat.

The cat’s fans proclaimed last Saturday to be Jack the Cat Awareness Day.
