
Board silly: Disney Hall rails at Mountain High ski resort?

Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

The hottest new features for Mountain High’s terrain park this winter will be ripped from the streets of L.A.

The Wrightwood ski resort spent $9,000 to make a replica of the handrails outside the landmark Disney Concert Hall so boarders can do something they’ve never been able to do: shred them (as in tear up the terrain on a snowboard). The resort’s version features a 48-foot jump over 38 stairs with 12 feet between the rails.

“So many of our customers come from L.A., why not bring some of that to the mountain?” spokeswoman Kim Hermon says.


Other L.A.-inspired features coming to the terrain park typically that are off-limits to boarders: a set of handrails at the L.A. Convention Center and a wall ride 20 feet long and 24 feet tall and painted to represent the Hollywood sign and Mt. Lee. The final feature is a quarter pipe that pays tribute to the big-wave Wedge in Newport Beach.

Once all the features are built, they go up on the mountain and wait for snow, Hermon says. The ski resort typically opens before Thanksgiving each year, depending on weather. Regular lift tickets for a full day this season cost cost $59; holidays and peak weekends, $64. Season passes are on sale for $349 for adults.

Info: Mountain High, (888) 754-7878
