
Reader photos: Portraits of two brothers from Tam Coc, Vietnam

During a trip to the village of Tam Coc, about 50 miles south of Hanoi, Times reader Réhahn Croquevielle photographed Chu Van Thuc. Croquevielle had seen a photo of the 82-year-old man online and asked villagers where he lived. When they met, Chu invited Croquevielle in for tea. It’s a dream for photographers to encounter a face like his, Croquevielle said. At Tam Coc, Croquevielle also met Chu’s brother, Chu Van Tim (slide two), a greeter at a pagoda in the village.

Croquevielle, once a resident of Caen, France, moved to Hoi An in central Vietnam two years ago. He now runs a guesthouse and an ice cream bar there. Between managing his businesses, Croquevielle travels around Vietnam in search of unique faces to photograph.

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