
Planning a getaway? Get organized

This app offers a simple, no-frills way to store, sort and map places you want to visit on your next trip.

Name: Trip Doc

Available for: iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad

What it does: Gives you a place to store travel recommendations for restaurants, hotels, activities, airports, museum, bus, train locations, information and more. Views as a map and a list, with directions and easy access to sharing via email.

Cost: $2.99

What’s hot: This app was just what I needed, as family members and friends were emailing me suggestions for our upcoming family reunion in Oahu, Hawaii. I usually use Travel Muse for a day-by-day itinerary, but in this case, we weren’t going to decide what to do until after we arrived. I found the quickest and easiest way to load our sightseeing and restaurant suggestions was to add them into Trip Doc on the website (after a free signup). Then, I could sign in to the app on my smartphone or iPad to view our options on the map and get directions. There was even a feature to keep notes so I could jot down who gave us the travel tip so I could thank them later.


What’s not: As I was loading the suggestions via the website (and using the restaurant, activity and other categories), they showed up on the map as the same red pin. It would be nice if each category had its own color or themed icon. I got around this by adding a description, such as “Boots & Kimo’s Homestyle Kitchen | Breakfast.”

Worth it: I’ll use this one again. It’s great for planning must-see spots.
