
Mah Jongg mavens to square off at Las Vegas championship tournament

Las Vegas this month will host the world championship of – mah jongg. It’s the first such tournament for U.S. players, who will square off at the Westgate Resort from July 22 to 24.

The World Mah Jongg Championship sponsored by an organization called Destination Mah Jongg celebrates the thrill of the ancient Chinese tile game.

An estimated 500,000 Americans play the rummy-like game, according to the National Mah Jongg League. Mah jongg is often associated with older women, but men and younger adults will also be playing in the tournament.


“Mah jongg is no longer your grandmother’s game,” Fern Oliphant, chief executive of Destination Mah Jongg, says in a news release. By the way, the game was first played exclusively by China’s ruling classes.

Cash prizes, including a grand prize of $5,000, will be awarded to the winning teams.

If you play mah jongg and want in on the championship games, you can learn how to qualify and register online.


Info: Mah Jongg World Championship


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