UFC 157, Ronda Rousey vs. Liz Carmouche
Lyoto Machida lands a punch against Dan Henderson during their light-heavyweight fight at
Lyoto Machida lands a kick against Dan Henderson in their light-heavyweight bout at
Lyoto Machida reacts after he’s declared the winner over Dan Henderson in a light-heavyweight fight at
Ivan Menjivar goes for the takedown against Urijah Faber (top) during their bantamweight fight at UFC 157 on Saturday night at the Honda Center in Anaheim. (Jeff Gross / Getty Images)
Ivan Menjivar is forced to tap out from a chokehold by Urijah Faber during their bantamweight bout at
Robbie Lawler chokes out Josh Koscheck for a first-round victory in their welterweight bout at
Michael Chiesa celebrates his victory over Anton Kuivanen after their lightweight bout at UFC 157 at the Honda Center in Anaheim on Saturday night. (Jeff Gross / Getty Images)