
Lance Armstrong team director Johan Bruyneel to face arbitration, report says

Lance Armstrong waves after receiving the bronze medal in the men's individual time trials at the 2000 Summer Olympics.
Lance Armstrong waves after receiving the bronze medal in the men’s individual time trials at the 2000 Summer Olympics.
(Ricardo Mazalan / Associated Press)

According to website, Johan Bruyneel, who was Lance Armstrong’s team sports director through all his Tour de France wins, along with former team doctors Pedro Celaya and Jose Marti will have an arbitration hearing with USADA, the United States organization charged with patrolling illegal doping in U.S. sports.

Armstrong chose not to accept arbitration and was banned for life from all sports under the umbrella of USADA. According to the website report, Bruyneel, Celaya and Marti will have the arbitration hearing in December in London.

Bruyneel, from Belgium, has been charged with possession, trafficking and administration of banned substances, aiding, abetting and covering up anti-doping rule violations.



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