
Kings rally tickets going for $610 on EBay

Downtown L.A. will be swarming with Kings fans on Thursday as the Stanley Cup champions will have a parade concluding with a rally at Staples Center.

Tickets to the rally can be acquired for free through the Kings’ website, however those tickets went quickly (though there’s always a chance they will add more Wednesday). If you missed out on those, fret not. All you need is $600.

Yes, on the online auction site EBay, four tickets to the rally, four tickets with a face value of zero dollars, can be yours for the low price of $620. That’s what it will take to defeat the winning bid as of this writing.


You can also find other tickets being sold for several hundred dollars on EBay and on Craigslist.

Isn’t the economy supposed to be in bad shape? Who exactly is paying hundreds of dollars to go to an event that is supposed to be free?

That better be one amazing rally the Kings have planned Thursday, otherwise there are some Kings fans out there who will be $600 poorer with nothing much to show for it.



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