
Donald Driver discusses Week 6 on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

The Times is pleased to have Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver guest-blogging for us while he competes on “Dancing With the Stars.” Each week, Driver, a Super Bowl champion and three-time Pro Bowl player, will answer a few questions from Sports Now editor Houston Mitchell and give some insight into the competition. Here are Driver’s thoughts about Week 6, which he offered via email.

Q: Obviously, everyone’s goal is to get that perfect 30. You’ve flirted with it, do you feel you’re getting close?

I feel like we’re getting real close, but in order to get a 10 from Len we’re going to have to push ourselves harder than we have all season. My goal since day one has been to improve each and every week. If we do that, the 10s will come!


Q: In one of the practice packages, you were shown looking at film, so to speak. Does taking a football approach sort of make it easier to learn all those steps?

It does for me. Sometimes when you’re doing something completely new, like many of these dances are to me, it helps a tremendous amount just to be able to watch someone else that’s experienced do it once or twice. It’s also helpful to watch some of my own dances to identify what I need to improve on and make sure I don’t make the same mistakes the next week.

Q: You’ve said you’re treating the competition like a football game, and now we’re in the third quarter. Do you think having won a title in your sport gives you a competitive edge over everyone else?


I hope so, but everyone on the cast is competitive and has at one time risen to the top of their profession...they wouldn’t be here otherwise.

Q: I’ve watched all 14 seasons, and notice Len is usually hardest on the ones he thinks has a chance to win. Do you think Len is a little harder on you than the rest of the competition this season?

Len said it on Monday, he thinks I have the potential to be a great dancer. He wants me to fulfill that potential. I don’t view it so much as him being hard on me. It’s more like he’s pushing me to be the best I can be, which I love. I think we all need someone to give us a nudge and remind us we’re capable of doing more, doing better.


In addition to being the Packers all-time leading receiver, Donald Driver has written three children’s books and is the founder of the Donald Driver Foundation, which focuses on helping homeless families get back on their feet along with providing educational resources to children in need. You can follow Donald’s DWTS journey on his Facebook and Twitter pages.


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Donald Driver discusses Week 6 on ‘Dancing With the Stars’
