
NFL’s Donald Driver discusses Week 3 on ‘Dancing With the Stars’

The Times is pleased to have Green Bay Packers wide receiver Donald Driver guest-blogging for us while he competes on “Dancing With the Stars.” Each week, Driver, a Super Bowl champion and three-time Pro Bowl player, will answer a few questions from Sports Now editor Houston Mitchell and give some insight into the competition. Here are Driver’s thoughts about Week 3, which he offered via email.

Q: It was an incredibly emotional night for everyone. What was the mood like in the skybox while others were dancing?

Everyone on the cast has been so supportive of each other throughout this entire process. I think we were all just happy to be there for one another.

Q: Your tribute dance to Brian Pretlow was simply amazing. You were too emotional to speak to Brooke Burke after the dance, understandably so. But now that you have a little time, can you put into words just what the evening meant to you?

It’s impossible to put into words. There were so many emotions going on at once -- I was just glad I could go out there and honor my best friend.

Q: Supporting a best friend going through cancer is an emotional roller-coaster. What words of advice can you give to those people going through that right now?

Cherish every single moment you have with that person and let them know how much they mean to you every day.


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Donald Driver discusses Week 3 on “Dancing with the Stars”
