
LeSean McCoy on replacement officials: ‘They’re like fans’

LeSean McCoy had some amusing stories to tell about the NFL’s replacement officials during a radio appearance on Monday. Well, they were amusing unless you happen to be a fan who enjoys seeing the game played and officiated properly.

McCoy and the hosts of 94WIP Player’s Lounge roared with laughter when the Philadelphia running back told of Baltimore linebacker Ray Lewis intimidating an official during the Eagles-Ravens game Sunday.

“During the game, they made like a bad call or something, the ref, and I see Ray Lewis like pump his chest up, trying to scare him,” McCoy said. “Don’t you know [the ref] started stuttering? I’m like ‘what’s this?!’”


The yuks continued when McCoy told of an official informing him, “I need you for my fantasy” team.

“They’re like fans, kind of though,” McCoy said of the fill-in officials. “I’ll be honest, they’re like fans.”

Hilarious, right? Maybe for McCoy, whose Eagles managed to escape the game with a 17-16 victory that included two controversial calls that went their way. The Ravens and their fans probably weren’t too thrilled, though, seeing that Lewis and quarterback Joe Flacco had already expressed their frustration with the NFL’s lockout of the regular officials following the game.


Oh, and not for the NFL, which does not allow officials to take part in fantasy football, spokesman Greg Aiello told Pro Football Talk via email.

The NFL is under increasing fire to get the referee situation resolved after several mishaps in Week 2, which included multiple blown calls, some general confusion and one official being removed from the New Orleans Saints-Carolina Panthers game hours before the game when it was discovered he was a Saints fan.

“I just know across the league teams and the league are being affected by it,” Lewis said after Sunday’s game. “It’s not just this game, it’s all across the league. And so if they want the league to have the same reputation it’s always had, they’ll address the problem. Get the regular referees in here and let the games play themselves out.”



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The Associated Press contributed to this report.
