
Reeves Nelson sues Sports Illustrated over allegations in article

An attorney for former UCLA basketball player Reeves Nelson filed a suit against Sports Illustrated. The suit alleges defamation, false light and intentional infliction of emotional distress stemming from a story on the Bruins’ basketball program while Nelson was a member of the team.

Nelson was painted as a bully to his teammates in the story. He was dismissed from the team in December.

“A story like this is so sensationalized, it is almost impossible to get reputation back,” said Keith Fink, attorney for Nelson.


The suit seeks $10 million in damages.

Fink said the suit was filed in part because Nelson had “a one-year statue of limitations for a defamation claim,” and in part because the NBA draft is in June.

“The guy is a real talented player and who knows what they do in the back rooms of the draft,” Fink said. “[The story] certainly can’t help him in the draft.”


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Reeves Nelson sues Sports Illustrated over allegations in article
