
Inside the NBA: Quotes of the week

Records are made to be broken

Cleveland’s J.J. Hickson, when the Cavaliers were one loss shy of losing their 24th game in a row, the all-time record:

“They say you can’t win ‘em all, but in the same light, you can’t lose ‘em all, either. So if we stay [focused], I think we can get a couple of wins before the season’s over.”

Nose now longer than Pinocchio’s

Carmelo Anthony, who spurned contract-extension offers from Denver:

“If I sit here and tell you I’m willing to lose $15 [million] to $20 million, then I’d be lying to you. But at the same time, this has never been about the money. In my career so far, I think I’ve made enough money.


“Now I can focus on just trying to win a championship. That’s the only thing that’s on my plate and on my mind right now.”

Only one of him, thank heaven

Orlando’s Ryan Anderson, on teammate Dwight Howard:

“Sometimes it looks like he’s playing against high school kids out there. Actually, all the time it looks like he’s playing against high school kids.”

Now, maturity too!

Howard, on statements he made when he was younger about growing up idolizing Boston’s Kevin Garnett:

“Not any more.”
