
Southern Section Council will have chance to reduce playoff teams

There will be a first reading next month at the Southern Section Council meeting on a proposal to eliminate a rule that allows leagues to send additional entrants to the playoffs for most sports as long as the school has a record of .500 or better.

Commissioner Rob Wigod said the Executive Committee supports elimination of the rule 3214.1 of the Bluebook: “In all team sports other than basketball and wrestling, more than three entries may be permitted to enter the playoffs to fill any byes which exist in the opening round or to create wildcard contests. The wildcard contests will be for teams that did not fit into the original draw and those teams meeting the at-large criteria (.500 or better overall record). In the sport of football, a .500 or better record is not required for at-large submission/selection.”

It’s trying to remove teams that would not have otherwise qualified for the playoffs.

Whether schools will agree to reduce playoff representatives is uncertain even if it would improve competition and help with travel costs.


Making the playoffs is a big deal for programs that struggle against top teams within their leagues. Voting will take place in January.

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