
A technology marvel: The Beverly Hills High gym/pool

Gym is turned into a pool by turning a key

Late Friday night, I got to see unfold one of Southern California’s technological marvels: the Beverly Hills gym/pool.

Built in 1939, there’s a 25-yard pool under the gym floor. You put in a key, turn it and the gym floor parts in the middle, unveiling the pool. It served as a location for a scene from the 1946 movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.”

The fact it still works and looks so cool slowly parting 75 years later is amazing.

Beverly Hills will hold the final day of its basketball tournament Saturday, with a 7:30 p.m. championship game between Loyola and Long Beach Poly.


Then, if you’re lucky, after the game is over, the pool will come out. Watch in awe, but don’t jump in.

