
Moorpark baseball players respond to COVID-19 shutdown with 4.0 GPAs

“Control what you can control” is the advice many high school coaches have told their athletes during the 10-month prep sports shutdown in California, and Moorpark High baseball players appear to have followed the leadership of coach Scott Fullerton based on their outstanding academic record from the fall semester.

Thirteen varsity baseball players achieved grade-point averages of 4.0 or higher. Forty-one players in the entire program had GPAs of 3.5 or higher.

Leading the way was pitcher Nick Sweet, whose 5.0 GPA includes his A grades from advanced placement classes.

“I assure you, with the AP classes, they’re not watering down anything,” Fullerton said. “We try to teach the kids they don’t control what’s happening. They control their response.”


Moorpark players had been working out together before winter break, and Fullerton remains hopeful the baseball season will take place this spring.

“If they give us the green light in March, there’s a chance,” he said. “We need to be ready. We’re doing all that preparation if it’s going to be a go. The kids have been fantastic.”
