
SOUNDING OFF: Street closure would help city

I read with great enthusiasm the council’s approved “Third Thursday’s Hospitality Night,” and the closure of the west end of Forest Avenue(“Businesses to be bolstered,” March 27).

This is a great beta test of how the city might look and function with a permanent pedestrian mall. This could become our de facto town square, a nexus for community interaction and celebration “” and a boon to downtown merchants.

Just imagine how beautiful the block would look without the cars blocking the sight lines.

We could cobblestone the street, allow the four restaurants to have outdoor dining, put up benches, and perhaps even a stage at the east end for community events.


Would this create a traffic problem? I believe it would actually alleviate the gridlock we have now when people turn onto Forest Avenue from Coast Highway and get stalled because of cars trying to park. Would we lose a critical amount of parking? Not if the city moves forward with plans to create alternative lots.

And would the local merchants suffer? I believe they will prosper as we debunk the notion that convenience is the only formula for retail success. Like [Santa Monica’s] Third Street Promenade and many other pedestrian malls throughout the country, these types of human environments draw people to congregate, linger and interact with one another. I believe the merchants would benefit greatly from the increase in foot traffic.

Hopefully many of you agree and will patronize Forest Avenue when these Hospitality Nights begin. And if you like it, tell everyone “” including the council.

BILLY FRIED lives in Laguna Beach.
