
Mom: As I am growing older, I...


As I am growing older, I am starting to understand what a positive

impact you have had on my life. I do not think enough words could

express how thankful I am for you. You have modeled to me how to be

selfless, how to love, how to persevere, and most of all how to try

to do your best at everything. You are the most selfless person I

have ever met, you give so much to so many different people. Some may

say that you are not successful because you do not have a lot of

financial investments or because you donā€™t have a high paying job.

But, mom, I view you as a very successful person, you have invested

so much into your husband, children, grandchildren, and all of the

students you have at Newport Harbor High School. I am so thankful

that you would come to all of my volleyball games and will continue

to do so. I am so thankful that you are paying for my college

education; a lot of parents would not make that commitment to their

children. The one thing that you have taught me that I will never

forget is that money isnā€™t everything. Whatā€™s on the inside matters a

lot more then all the possessions that you have. Your love for people

pours out and penetrates into peoples hearts. I am forever grateful

for you mom and you have definitely made this world a better place. I

love you. God bless.



My mom is great because she cares about and loves my dad, my puppy

and me, Rachael. She helps with stuff that is hard for me because she

cares. My mom believes in me when I get discouraged and I like that a

lot. I am the luckiest girl to have a mom like mine.


Dear Mom,

I hope you have a happy Motherā€™s Day. My mom is special to me

because she loves me.


Our mom, Pat Insley, in the principal at Paularino Elementary

School in Costa Mesa. As busy and stressful as her job is, she still

finds time to be the best mom anyone could ask for. Not only she our

mom, but she is our best friend and certainly our biggest fan when we

play sports. We feel that we can confide in her and tell her our

troubles and concerns. Being normal kids, we donā€™t always give her

the respect she and love that she deserves, but we could not imagine

our lives without her. We love you very much, mom. Hugs and kisses on

your special day always!


Our mom is our best friend , fashion consultant, caregiver, chef

and cheerleader all rolled into one great person.


Kathy Osterling:

The worldā€™s most wonderful mother and grandmother. I donā€™t know

what I would do without you. The kids and I count on you so much. I

know that I donā€™t show you my appreciation or my admiration for you

as often as I should, but I think you are such and amazing woman. My

hopes are for one day, my kids think of me as highly as I think of

you. Happy Motherā€™s Day, mom.



For Sallee Smith:

My mom deserves all the fine things that this world has to offer.

She taught me, by example, how to be a good person and to always stay

true to myself no matter how hard things might be. She is a very

caring, loving, thoughtful and selfless person. I love Ma!


Dear Mom,

Thank you for being a positive person in my life that I can talk

to about anything and look up to. I am so happy that we are close.

Thanks for all you do. Hope you have a great Motherā€™s Day.



My mother, Dolores, not only is she a wonderful mom, but also an

amazing woman. She lights up a room, her smile warms my heart, her

words guide my path, her hands are still beautiful after all the

years of hard work, her eyes behind her glasses are youthful and

sincere. You are the perfect example of what a mother should be:

kind, understanding, forgiving, unselfish, patient and, above all,

loving. Thank you for everything. Thank you for being my best friend.

Thank you for being you. And thank God for giving me the blessing of

you being my mother.


Our mom, Marybell Avila, has raised three girls with our dad,

Sergio, and has been happily married for 20 years. She came to

Newport knowing very little English and successfully survived. She is

part of National Charity League, was a Girl Scout leader for may

years, helps at swim team and at our schools. Our mom is always there

for us whenever we need anything, including a friend to talk to,

motherly advice and a hug. Our mom is always there to help us get

through hard times. It is true what they say, ā€œBehind everyman, there

is a great woman; and behind great kids, there is an even better

mom.ā€ Te queremos mami.



I am an image of my mother

I wonder if I will live up to her extraordinary accomplishments

I hear her voice in my head always telling me whatā€™s right

I want to be able to return the love sheā€™s shown me

I am an image of my mother

I pretend I know more than her

I feel she needs me as much as I need her

I touch her hand, and know Iā€™m safe

I worry Iā€™ll never fill her shoes

I cry when she cries

I am an image of my mother

I understand I canā€™t live this life alone

I dream I am kind an understanding, just like her

I try to return the favor of her being my mother

I understand I canā€™t live this life alone

I dream I am kind and understanding, just like her

I try to return the favor of her being my mother

I hope Iā€™ve become what she had in mind

I am an image of my mother


Eighth grade

To our mom Nancy:

Thank you for being the greatest mom we could ever have!



My mom is really the best mom ever! She drives me everywhere,

whether itā€™s soccer or volleyball. She takes care of all of us (even

my dad). Every day she come home happy, even though inside I know she

is tired from her long day. She tries her best to be a great mom and

she is. So I just want to say I love you mom and Happy Motherā€™s Day!







Really fun

She always takes us to our many activities. She is the best cook

and always has great meals and snacks for us. Most of all she is

nice, independent, funny and we are so lucky she is our mom.


My mom is great at making meals. She is the best cook in the whole

wide world. When I need help on my homework, she always helps me the

right way. When I cry or fall off my bike or scooter, she always

comes to my rescue. Whenever Iā€™m sick, she always takes care of me. I

love my mom because sheā€™s my mom. Sometimes she does so many hard

things that I would tell her that she should take a break and let me

do the work. My mom isnā€™t like any other mom! I love my mom more and

more each day. Happy Motherā€™s Day to a special mom from a grateful




I love my mom because she always packs my lunch if I donā€™t like

whatā€™s in the cafeteria. On Friday she gives me money to buy pizza.

Every week we go Athens soccer games as a family. My mom is always

there for me, sheā€™s the best!


My mom is great! Not only is she thoughtful and caring, she is

also my friend. My mom is a great explainer. Iā€™m growing up and my

body is changing, but she is with me 100% to explain things and

comfort me. If I ever have problems she is always with me. I am more

like my mom in many ways., she likes being tall, having big feet,

being better at arts than math, we are the goofy ones in the family.

We can share experiences together. Often times my favorite times with

my mom is when we are sitting by the fire with her an my dog. I love

my mom very much. She is a great wife, woman and of course ... mom!


I love my mom because I like to give her hugs and kisses, and

because she gives me hugs and kisses. This is my little brother David

lover her, too.

Xā€™s and Oā€™s,


Mom wakes us up early to get us off to school, then she goes to

the stores. She picks us up after school and takes us to aerobics or

dance school. Mom and nanny Joan make dinner, then mommy helps me

with my homework. She puts us to bed and then we do it again. We love

our mommy.


Happy Motherā€™s Day to our Nona!

You are the best Nona in the whole world and we love you very


We want to wish our mom a ā€œHappy Motherā€™s Dayā€ because we love her

so much!



We have much to be proud of in our ā€œmom.ā€ As we grew up, her

primary concern for us was education, and that drive carried her into

many years of public service. She has been a wonderful example to all

of us about working hard and living each day to its fullest. Sheā€™s

also a tough act to follow! From jumping out of airplanes, to lifting

weights more than her own, she is not slowing down a bit. Her

strength of character, spirit and body has been a true inspiration to

us. We salute our mom today -- Happy Mothersā€™ Day, Mom!!!

Also, our mom is Marian Bergeson.



Dear Mommy:

My mom is simply wonderful. She does many things for us, from

folding our laundry to calling us to see how our day went. Itā€™s

miraculous to me that she can spend so many hours at work, maintain a

clean house and still find time to watch our favorite TV show

together. She spends hours helping us with our homework. So many

children take these things for granted, but this Motherā€™s Day I would

just like to let my mother know how much she means to all of us and

how much we love her. Have a happy Motherā€™s Day! I love you!

Love always,


Usually on this day children write about their mothers, but this

day another writes about her daughter, who is a special mother.

My daughter Kathleen Saracino Gallant was on her way to a

promising career as a publicist account executive when her first

daughter, Lauren, was born. Her love was so intense that it

overshadowed the job, which she gave up for the importance of

motherhood. Natalie and Nicholas followed. Natalie was hale and

hearty, but Nicholas was handicapped and required constant care. She

has dedicated her life to her producer husband Michael, helping him

with his projects. Lauren is a USC graduate and Natalie the

University of Pennsylvania. Kathy has continued to care for Nick in

spite of suggestions to place him in a facility. She started her own

company, Scripts Unlimited. This mother is very proud of the

sacrifices this mother has taken for her family.


Erin Locke is the best mother in the world. She takes care of me

and my brother Josh, who is almost 2 and never stops running. She

gives us lots of hugs and kisses and good food. She takes me to

school and helps in class. All my friends like her too. I hope I can

be as good a mother when I grow up. We love you Mom!


Dear Mom,

Elsinore Tigers; Stealing watermelon on the patch on ā€œAceā€; Having

Chris, Stephanie, Juliana and Jeffrey; Cheerleading coach; Best

friend; Spilling lemonade in Palm Springs; High school; Cheerleading;

Knee surgery; Helping me through heartbreak; Months of worry, the our

Angel -- Andrew; Jumping in the freezing pool with Andrew; Eating

ice; Days at the beach with our angel; Pitching snails on the street;

Moving far away; Showing me the joy of motherhood; Happy Motherā€™s Day

-- I love you more than the moon and stars! Stephanie and Andrew.

Thank you,


To our Mom, Pat Cashion:

You have taught us the value of fun by your laughter and smile.

You have taught us work, by working hard in all you do. You have

taught us sacrifice by giving of yourself. You have taught us grace

by your love of the Lord. You have taught us how to be friends and

treat people. But most of all, you have taught us love by simply

being our mom. Happy Motherā€™s Day!


Why our mom is so great! We both love our mom more than anything!

Our mom makes the best dinners, and tells us the funniest jokes. She

is easy to talk to and gives us all we need. We are lucky to have a

mom like ours, and we will love her forever!


The reason why my mom is the best is because she takes care of me

when Iā€™m sick. She also supports me and takes me everywhere I need to

go. Thatā€™s why I think my mom is the best!


I love my mom because she cuddles with me when Iā€™m lonely. She

makes me laugh when she acts silly. My mom reads books to me at bed

time. She lets me be myself. She takes me to Rubyā€™s and buys me

chicken fingers. My mommy takes me to preschool, music, art and

drama. Sheā€™s great!




Dear Annie,

I love to hug you because you are a nice mom. And you love to

kiss, so does me.


Dear Mommy,

Happy Motherā€™s Day and you help me by making my lunch and dinner.

You always tuck me in the blankets. You are a nice mom. You are a

beautiful mom.



My Mom always gets my clothes. She gets my breakfast. My mom makes

my lunch. She always cooks my dinner. My mom always helps me with my



Dear Mom,

I want to thank you for everything. Thank you for making my

breakfast, and thank you for making my dinner. I love when you get my

clothes out for me.



Mother knows I love her very much. She takes care of me or

somebody else she likes. She is very intelligent and thinks smart.

But on Motherā€™s Day I want to do something for her, since she is so

nice to me and others.



Dear Mom,

Thank you for all of the games! Thank you for the very expensive

computer! Thank you so much for being a volunteer and volunteering.

Thank you for the movies you got us. Thank you for the pencil

sharpener and your so thoughtful love.



Dear Mom,

I love you. You make lunch, breakfast and dinner! My mom takes

care of my brothers. Youā€™re the best mom in the universe! You drop me

off at school, you pick me up from school.

Love your son,


I like my mom because she helps me on my homework. She lets me

ride shotgun often. If I lose something she will help me find it. She

makes all meals. Thatā€™s why I like my mom.


Dear Mom,

I like you because you help me on my homework. It is fun having a

mom. Moms pay for houses that you need. My mom takes me to fun

places. She lest me have a lot of play dates. She organized



Dear Mommy,

I like the way you help me when I get hurt or when Iā€™m scared.

When breakfast for me, and if you make what I donā€™t like I still love

you. I like the way you tuck me in bed. And Mommy, I like the way you

tell me stories at night. When you showed a picture of when you were

a little girl. When you take care of me I am so happy. Happy Motherā€™s





My mom is so great because she buys me stuff when I need it. She

is also nice when she takes me to Juice It Up. Also she buys me

makeup. My favorite thing about my mom is that she is trying to buy

me a dirt bike so I can go to the desert with my cousin. I like my




My mom is a good mom because she gets me movies, food and takes me

to places. My mom cooks me good food. She helps me with my homework.

She takes me to soccer practices and games. She lets me sleep next to

her sometimes. She takes pictures of me holding my sister. Thatā€™s

what I like about my mom.



My mom is the best person on earth. She plays with me when Iā€™m

bored, and helps me with my homework. She also takes me to the doctor

when Iā€™m sick and hugs me when Iā€™m sad. Sheā€™s truly the best person

on earth.


My mom is great because she works her tail off just to make me

happy! I also think my mom is great because she cleans my room, and

because she makes me food, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Thatā€™s why my

mom is great!



My mom is the best. My momā€™s name is Sue. She is an awesome cook.

Sue is an interior designer. Sheā€™s really fun. My mom is Irish. She

takes my sister and me to sports activities. I love my mom!


My mom is great! She helps as much as she can. Every night she

cooks special dinners for me and my family. She takes me places, and

always goes and supports me at my soccer games. She is nice as a

bunny! She sometimes takes me to get a treat after school. But most

of all she loves me and I love her too!



My mom is so great because she helps me with my homework and she

reminds me to brush teeth, do my hair and put lotion on my face. She

takes to aquariums, theme parks, Mammoth and June Mountain. Sheā€™s

nice and a really great helper. She cheers me on in all types of

sports. My mom is a really great mom!


My mom is the best because she takes care of me when I am sick.

She helps me do homework and she has fun with me. When mom tells me

she loves me, I feel really special. When mom takes time out of her

schedule, we to fun stuff like go to Sea World.

Mom, you rule!


My mom is so nice. She is as nice as a flower. She is so nice

because she helps me with everything. I love when she helps me with

school. She does so much work around the house, like dinner and

cleans the house. My mom buys me presents even if itā€™s not a holiday.

Iā€™m so grateful to have my mom with me, because if I didnā€™t I would

be so sad. I love my mom.



My mom is so cool! She is cool because she comforts me when I am

sad. She gives me warm food. I love the way she tucks me in at night.

She gives me hugs and kisses every day. She always gives me great big

hugs. She cheers me up when I am mad. She makes me lunch every day.

She always helps me when I am in trouble. I love her so much.


My mom is cool, is yours? My mom takes me to Disneyland. My mom is

also cool because she takes me to the beach when it is warmer. That

is how cool my mom is.



My mom is as nice as diamond in the sun. She is very nice. I like

it when she picks me up at school. Also she always helps me on my

homework. I like when she reads me stories at night. Also she is nice

when she packs my lunch for school. My mom is as friendly as a puppy.

I love you mom.

Happy Motherā€™s Day!



My mom is special to me because she plays catch with me, takes me

places and watches my baseball games. She helps me with my homework,

makes my meals, takes care of me when Iā€™m sick. Sometimes she gardens

with me too. I love you!



This is why mom is so great. Mom is so great because she gives me

lots of things. She takes me everywhere. It is so great my mom is

cool. She is so cool that she took me to California Adventure. That

is why mom is so great.



My mom is great because she takes me places and she is loving and

caring to me. She even takes me to ā€œBring Your Kid To Work Day.ā€ My

mom is so great she even takes me out of the state. She watches out

for me, takes me to school early and makes my days happy. I love my

mom as much as she loves me.



My mom is special because she makes me wonderful meals and loves

me. She is as wonderful as a blossoming blossom. My mom takes me

places, like to my friends house, theme parks and more. When my

sister Nicole and I are good, she takes us to one of those special

places. My helps me when Iā€™m sick, hurt or need help with homework. I

especially love my mom when she spends time with me. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m her



My mom is the best! She is really nice and she buys me treats

every time I do good in school. My doesnā€™t work. My mom takes me to

lots of places, like school, Mammoth, Lake Arrowhead and Palm

Springs. I love my mom!


My mom is special because she is always there for me. My mom comes

to school to help out. Mom is good at cooking, driving and being my

mom! Momā€™s favorite computer game is MIST. I really like my mom.



My mom is very special. If I am sick or have a cut sheā€™s always

there for by my side as quick as a jack rabbit. If I had a bad day

sheā€™s always there to make my day cheerful. If Iā€™m stuck on a

problem, sheā€™s there to help me. If Iā€™m scared sheā€™s there to make

everything better. Sheā€™s nice, kind and funny. But most of all, sheā€™s

sweet. Sheā€™s a perfectly good mom.


My mom is great, She is always helping me. She always makes my

lunch. She always takes me when she goes to St. Louis. She shows me

how to write letters in cursive when I forget them. My mom is always

there when I need her. She always wakes up early and makes my

breakfast. I love my mom.


Our mother, Denise Mcphee, is the worldā€™s best mom! She is an

inspiration. She helps us with our homework, chores and also makes us

laugh. Our mom is a psychologist, and she helps people every day.

Then she comes home and give my sister and me advice. She will always

be there for us, and love us no matter what. We love our mom and she

deserves recognition for her constant hard work and love for her

family. We love you mom! Happy Motherā€™s Day!

Written by


Fran Maran is the coolest most enjoyable mother-in-law a person

could ask for! She has get-togethers at least twice a month at her

house in Newport Beach -- which has a trampoline for her growing

brood of grandchildren. ā€œNana,ā€ as she is called by the kids, is a

fun-loving, life-loving go getter who volunteers at Hoag Hospital.

She is always up for visits and baby-sitting. Happy Motherā€™s Day Nana


Love and hugs,


Our mom is great because of so many things. She loves taking us on

vacations and to Angel games. Sheā€™s always there to drive us to our

friendsā€™ houses or practices and games. She loves having our friends

come over to the house for the day. She loves reading us books at

night and then always tucks us in and gives us a good night kiss.

When weā€™re sick, sheā€™s always there to comfort us. She always has a

smile on her face makes time to give us kisses and hugs. Have a great

Motherā€™s Day! We love you with all our hearts.


My mom is the magnificent! She is so great! Trustworthy! Our hero

(I have two sisters and one brother)! She has many wonderful things

to say! Sheā€™s smart! Provides hundreds of kisses and hugs! Beautiful

inside as well as out! Eagerly tries to make me happy! Spectacular!

The one and only mom!

Happy Motherā€™s Day!

All my love,


Two years ago on Motherā€™s Day, the Daily Pilot ran an article

about my mother, Edna Padrick (age 89), who has severe dementia. Here

is an update on my mother, which may be of interest to others whose

loved ones suffer from this disease.

We tried to keep Mom in her home as long as possible. We had a

succession of caregivers come to the house, but it became

increasingly more difficult as her need for longer hours of care

expanded. My sister, Irene Engard, and I began to look into

Alzheimerā€™s facilities and we finally decided on one that was in

Costa Mesa, close to our homes.

When we took Mom in for the intake interview, she was asked what

it was like having Alzheimerā€™s and she replied that it was ā€œlike

being on the wrong street.ā€ After showing her around the facility,

she was asked if there was anything else that she would like to see

and she replied, ā€œthe exit.ā€ However, she finally agreed to go for a

visit of three days. After the visit we asked her what it was like

and she said it was like Church Camp. Later she told my sister that

it was like purgatory. When we decided to put her in the facility

full time, my sister told her that they were having a party and she

was invited and could bring two bears. When they arrived, my sister

hurried her in, gave the facility her marked clothing, left and then

burst into tears. We were told not to visit her for one to two weeks

so that she could get adjusted to the new facility. However, we could

call anytime and ask how she was doing. When I called days later they

said that she kept wanting to go home because she had some naughty

children that she needed to discipline. After a week, we went to

visit her and her eyes lit up and she asked if we had come to take

her home. To distract her, we walked around the facility gardens. I

remarked that this was such a fun place and there was so much to do

that you could never get bored. She said, ā€œThat may be true if I

wasnā€™t so hungry for home.ā€ Earlier that day she had refused to play

Bingo and called one of the directors a ā€œcompulsive gambler,ā€

suggesting that she get help for her addiction. Gradually she became

more settled and would say things like, ā€œIā€™d like you to keep in

touch so that I can find out whatā€™s going on in your life and you can

find out about my boyfriends.ā€ Later that same evening she mentioned

that she needed to go back to kindergarten so that she could learn

about sex. We continue to take her out once an week to Souplantation

and each time she says, ā€œI havenā€™t been here in years!ā€ She joins us

each Sunday for our extended family dinners surrounded by her

children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

It was a difficult decision to make (putting her in the facility)

but I know she is safe and cared for by a very loving staff. Every

time we come to take her away, the staff always says, ā€œHave a good

time.ā€ and Mom replies, ā€œBetter than Iā€™ll remember!ā€


My mom is the best mom any kid could ask for! She is always

willing to take me wherever I need to go. She does my laundry and

helps me if I have a problem or if something is bothering me. She has

taught me to be considerate of others, and that helping people brings

lots of joy.


ā€œParis First-Class Internationalā€ is the opening line from the

commercial for the ā€œView from the Topā€ movie. My mother, Sharon

Johnston, is not only Paris, first-class, but Frankfurt and London as

well. While most parents spend about 20 minutes driving their daily

commute to work, my mom flies to Pennsylvania. After landing, her job

begins, taking her to France, England or Germany. She makes the trip

twice, back and forth, in a week. With two daughters I am surprised

she has time for herself. Even with all this she takes the family

around the world first-class. I am so proud of my mother, so mom if

you read this, I love you so much, but I am sure you already know.

Happy Motherā€™s Day from a very proud daughter!!!


I am a mother of a 20-year-old U.S. Marine tank driver who is

somewhere in Iraq. This Motherā€™s Day will be one of reflection and

gratitude for me. I have accepted the fact that I wonā€™t be able to

hear from Ian, but he is always in my heart and prayers.

If he were to come home for Motherā€™s Day, it would be the greatest

gift that I could ask for because his very existence is my Motherā€™s

Day present. This Motherā€™s Day in particular, I realize that it is

not about the cards, flowers or presents. It is about love and caring

for each other.



Dear Mommy,

You are the best mom in the whole world!

I love you,

