
Crash flings motorcyclist at least 300 feet, but he’s only got some road rash, police say

A motorcyclist speeding through Laguna Beach on Tuesday night survived a violent crash that flung him at least 300 feet through the air, according to police.

The rider, a 26-year-old from San Juan Capistrano, was headed south on Coast Highway about 8 p.m. when he lost control around Nyes Place, according to Laguna Beach police Sgt. George Ramos.

“He was going fast, splitting traffic, and side-swiped a car and lost it,” Ramos said.

Security camera video of the crash shows the motorcycle flying into the air and flipping end-over-end.


Police said the motorcycle went at least 200 feet, and the rider was catapulted at least 100 feet farther.

Paramedics took the man to Mission Hospital to treat his injuries, but police said he managed to escape with only some road rash.

“He got really lucky,” Ramos said.
