A pandemic, elections, police killings, protests, the stock market, Trump, Biden, Kobe, wars, wildfires, COVID-19 vaccines, oral swabs, awards show sweeps, masks, social distancing, Zoom weddings, Zoom funerals, remote school, remote work (and essential workers), closures, reopenings, royals, binge-watching Netflix, "WAP," Billie Eilish, "Tiger King," "Indian Matchmaking," "Love is Blind," sourdough starters, pets, Dodgers, Lakers, chaos, emptiness, toilet paper.
The Los Angeles Times takes you on a visual journey through a year in California that’s impossible to sum up in just words. Use this opportunity to recall how much we really lived through in the shadow of a deadly virus — and how it all felt.
(But if you really, really want to know more, you can tap most of the media to see a description and credit, as well as a link to original Los Angeles Times reporting!)

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