
Gov. Brown, lawmakers likely won’t get raises this year

Gov. Jerry Brown and state lawmakers may have to get by on their current salaries for another year.

A state panel that sets the salaries delayed a vote until June, but a majority of its members said they will likely vote not to provide raises so soon after the state pulled out of a financial crisis.

The California Citizens Compensation Commission put off action until after the state certifies in May that it has a surplus required before raises can be considered.


But Chairman Thomas Dalzell said the economy is still volatile, and he signaled that it is unlikely there will be four votes on the seven-member panel to fatten paychecks for the state’s elected officials.

“I think it would probably be unseemly to increase one year out on a surplus,’” Dalzell said. “If I were a betting person I suspect the consensus will be status quo for a year and see whether the turnaround continues.”

Dalzell said he would wait to see what the other commissioners decide, but added: “If it came to a tie I don’t think I would vote for an increase.”


Commissioners Charles Murray, John Stites II and Nancy Miller said in interviews that they plan to oppose any pay raises.

“Given the state of our economy I don’t see the basis for anything but maintaining the status quo at this time,’’ Miller said.

The panel has cut the pay of the governor and other elected officials by 23% during the last four years, citing the state’s budget problems that forced reductions in pay for other government workers. This year, the state expects to have a surplus.


Dalzell said he does not expect another cut in pay would be approved this year. Senate leader Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) said the commission shouldn’t keep cutting lawmaker pay.

“Enough is enough,” he said.


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