
Donald Trump’s big reveal: Obama an alien or wears a wig?

Donald Trump has teased that he has an "October surprise" in store for President Obama.
(Slaven Vlasic / Getty Images)

“Tomorrow I will be tweeting on only one subject,” the “Real” Donald Trump tweeted to his 1.6 million Twitter followers just after 2 p.m. EDT Tuesday. A minute later he followed with: “My announcement is tomorrow!”

Trump’s teasing message apparently refers to the “October surprise” he said that he would unleash on President Obama this Wednesday. All proof that The Donald finds nothing more fascinating than a presidential election, except a presidential election involving him.

It was hard to tell whether anyone really had a lot of interest in Trump’s big reveal. An Irish company that bills itself as “Europe’s largest betting company” said it would start taking wagers on the nature of the revelation.


The best odds from Paddy Power, 2 to 5, went to an old Trump favorite: “Obama is not an American.”

PHOTOS: President Obama’s past

Those looking for a long shot could go with “Obama wears a wig” at 500 to 1. Other betting options included: “Trump to endorse Obama” at 8 to 1, “Obama to guest on Trump’s reality show ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ ” at 50 to 1, “Obama knows the moon landing was staged” at 250 to 1 and “Obama is an alien” (whether extraterrestrial was not specified), also at 250 to 1.


One item that presumably can be crossed off the gotcha list is college-era drug involvement by Obama. A Trump advisor told the right-wing Daily Caller website Tuesday that the announcement is “substantially more important to the American people.” And surely the Real Donald would never hype anything.

A survey by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press earlier this year found that a large majority of voters didn’t care about an endorsement from the celebrity. Some 64% of likely Republican voters said Trump’s endorsement would make no difference, while 13% said it would make them more likely to pick the candidate. But 20% said it would make them less likely to pick that candidate.

Expect Mitt Romney and his campaign to keep a safe distance from the New York magnate.

Although the Republican nominee welcomed the real estate pitchman’s endorsement during the Republican primaries — praising his “extraordinary ability to understand how our economy works and to create jobs” — it’s another thing to embrace a flamboyant personality when stolid centrist voters are just two weeks from making their election day decision. No doubt they want a candidate who seems less of a gamble.


PHOTOS: Memorable presidential debate moments

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