
Letters to the Editor: The pandemic’s not over, Sheriff Villanueva. Tell your deputies to get vaccinated

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva speaks next to U.S. and state flags
Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva speaks at a news conference in downtown L.A. on Sept. 22.
(Los Angeles Times)

To the editor: Will someone please tell Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva that the COVID-19 storm has not blown over, it is still with us and if we as a society are not diligent, it could easily gain strength and start wreaking havoc again? (“Sheriff warns vaccine mandate causing ‘mass exodus’ among personnel,” Oct. 31)

We all must do our part in making sure this does not happen — again — and the science says that everyone getting vaccinated offers the quickest, safest and most effective strategy to accomplish this.

It is my fervent belief that anyone who has taken an oath to protect and serve as part of their employment should lead the way in doing so. If law enforcement officers refuse vaccination and shirk their responsibilities to the people who employ them, they should find another job.


Roy Friedland, Los Angeles


To the editor: Any public safety employee who lacks the sense of responsibility that would impel them to obey a health mandate should not be a public safety employee.

Let every last one of those self-important sheriff’s department employees leave. The county can hire more public-spirited officers to replace them.

As for Villanueva, his behavior is the ultimate irresponsibility. He should walk away too.

Marcy Miroff Rothenberg, Porter Ranch


To the editor: Villanueva warns that crime will go up as deputies leave their jobs in lieu of getting vaccinated. He blames the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors for putting people’s safety at risk by passing a COVID-19 vaccine mandate.


Villanueva forgets (to borrow from “A League of Their Own”) that there is no crying in policing. If deputies are really leaving in large numbers, he should not whine about it.

Here’s a novel solution: When people resign, post the positions as open, accept applications, conduct interviews and screening, then hire new people and train them.

If these jobs are good and they pay well, Villanueva should not have a difficult time staffing them.


Edgar Kaskla, Garden Grove
